My Beautiful, Natural Birth

It was terrifying, wonderful and exciting all at once. The day before (Monday), my midwife informed me that induction was to be planned if Baby didn’t arrive by Friday. Of course her intention wasn’t to scare me but man, was I scared. I had my birth plan in mind, yet it was unraveling right before my eyes. That night I took a leap and decided that I would try the Midwives Brew. It features castor oil, but other ingredients mixed in help to counteract the nasty side effects of straight up oil. I took it the next day at about 1:30, took a nap, woke up at 4 o’clock and began running errands. I did make a few trips to the bathroom, but felt no cramps and figured the drink hadn’t worked. At 5:30 though, I started feeling menstrual crampiness while hanging photos. Okay. Not getting my hopes up because I had been feeling this way for weeks now. 7 o’clock rolled around and they starred getting more intense, but I wouldn’t call them contractions. I brought some blankets and a pillow into the family room and watched a movie while drifting off to sleep. Then, at 8 something I started having real contractions! I won’t lie, they sucked. I was hot, cold and threw up once when I tried to switch positions. Still, I was convinced it was a false alarm(they weren’t any worse than my period cramps growing up) and told my sister no, not to call the midwife. At 9:30 she finally stopped listening to me and called her-she told us to come in, and so we got in the car and drove 35 minutes to the hospital. I started feeling this unbearable pressure, and I thought oh no, the baby is coming NOW! We arrived at about 10:30. At this point I was so focused on my breathing that I wasn’t communicating with anyone unless absolutely necessary. The regular entrance was closed and I said to my godmom, “I can feel the baby’s head. We’ve got to hurry”. She asked if in wanted to wait for a wheelchair instead of walking and I said no! The baby is coming now! So I waddled as fast as I could around to the ER entrance and walked past the security officer, not caring that I was supposed to stop. The receptionist was asking all sorts of questions and I eventually got a wheelchair. She was taking her sweet time-I don’t think she believed me when I told her how far a long I thought I was. Finally I stopped talking to her and a nurse came and wheeled me to the elevator and Triad. Finally! I thought, we’d get this baby out. Nope! This nurse was intent on asking me questions too. I told her I wouldn’t be able to pee ( she wanted a sample) but I went to the bathroom at her insistence. I couldn’t pee, but my water did break as I pulled up my pants. I called out to the nurse, and finally there was some urgency. All of this seemed like it took forever, but in reality by the time I reached the table it was about 10:55. I was checked by a nurse, and she called out to the other nurses that I was a 10. I was taken to L&D, my midwife arrived, and my sister set up my birthing music. I think the songs that ended up playing were smooth jazz. I started pushing at 11:30, and I honestly don’t think that was painful. I remember trying not to push too hard, because I didn’t want to hurt the baby (woman in labor logic) but my midwife told me that I needed to give it my all so the baby wouldn’t get stressed. Two pushes later and she was here 😌 it was the most serene setting. My nurses were all so supportive, my midwife respected that I wanted minimal talking and absolutely no telling me what do do. She was amazed that I was so quiet and focused throughout, and honestly so was I. The pain was minimal compared to what I had been expecting, and the time flew by. Honestly the healing process has been the worst part. I would do it all over in a heartbeat. My little angel arrived March 27th at 11:52 p.m.

The Prospect of Single Parenting

It’s daunting, to say the least. It was never part of my plan to be a single mother, but I’ve found that I enjoy being pregnant single and I’m ready for the “after”. For me, the pros outweigh the cons. Baby’s father was borderline psychotic, stalked and threatened me and my sister, and lied about having a domestic abuse record. On top of that he was involved with hardcore drugs and his actions showed it. No thanks. Being a single mother, I’ll truly have the opportunity to parent positively, in a positive environment. I can control the people she’s exposed to, and that’ll lead her to make good choices as far as company goes. It will be hard since I work, but that in itself will show her responsibility early on. She won’t be spoiled rotten, but she won’t go without and to me that’s a good thing. Too often you hear of children who are so used to getting all the attention that they lose sight, or never learn the beauty of being human. We will have more time together, so when we have mommy/daughter activities, it’s all about us and our binding time-that’s so important to me, seeing as how I never had a semi-close relationship with my mother. Long story short, I’m excited to see what God has in store for us. It won’t be a breeze but it’ll be fun for sure

I don’t even feel bad

So I’m not sure if I’ve fallen off the wagon haha some days on eating raw meals, others all I want are chic fil a’s waffle fries and ice cream. Honestly I’m not the type to feel guilty about my cravings because they’re not that bad and I really don’t put on weight that easily. All my blood tests have come back negative and I wasn’t overweight to begin with so I really don’t Thu k I’d mind a few extra pounds in the name of sweets. On the bad days I just pop that prenatal vitamin and call it a good day. Honestly I eat more nuts and salads than I can bear at this point-probably the reason I’ve been craving donuts. This mama is seriously considering travelling across states on a quest for vegan donut shops! Wish me luck 😉

The vegan taco theme continues

As far as craving go, this is one of the best yet because the recipe I’ve been coming up with include a wide variety of vegetables. But let me backtrack so I can get all of my meals for the week straight. Tuesday morning I was on the go and had a bowl of cereal and about half a container of the Cashewgurt probiotic yogurt drink. Oh. My. Gosh it is SO good! I used to love yogurt drinks and was kind of upset when I switched to veganism and there weren’t any so now I’m in love. The conference I was in for work had a local raw chef cater for us that afternoon and it was amazing. Pictures will be below, but there were stuffed peppers, curried cabbage, black rice, eggplant chips(dehydrated), and so much more! For dessert she made a banana cheesecake that was out of this world yummy, along with another cheesecake (I can’t remember the flavor). Pretty sure I took some home and had that for dinner haha. Yesterday morning I had a bowl of Kashi cereal (surprise) and to snack on I had almonds and fruit and nut bars. For lunch since the conference was still going on we went to a restaurant called Blue Seas, which has really good vegan/vegetarian options and soul food. I went with the veggie burger and fries with their Jamaican sauce. Sidenote: a trend I’m noticing is that people love to make comments on what you’re eating/not eating for the baby! Hearing “That baby don’t want that!” and “What are you going to eat for the baby?” implying that I’m not eating enough is getting tiresome. So far if I just smile and say that my baby is getting all she needs they stop but 😩. Anyway. For dinner,  I wanted a burrito and so I made a salad with lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado, gardein chicken strips and taco seasoning, spread it on a tortilla and slapped some sour cream and sriracha sauce on. I added some curly fries to it and voila!A pregnant lady’s cravings. And today (whew!), i was finally home for the day and got to rest up. For breakfast I had a glass of OJ and some wheat thins with almond cream cheese. For lunch/dinner I had lettuce wraps made with some soy chorizo I found at trader joes, avocado, lettuce, tomato and sour cream. 

I inhaled about 5 of those so that was dinner haha I’m really proud of myself for eating so healthy during this time when cravings are abundant. I’m 30 weeks so it’s crunch time as far as making sure my body is in optimal condition for the big day!

21 Days of Prayer

I am so excited to have started (and been capable of doing, this year) the 21 days of prayer my church offers. It’s only day 2 but its been tough getting myself out of bed each morning at 5 am. Once I’m there though, I’m so glad-worship has been amazing, and along with prayers I’ve decided to do a 21 day soul cleanse as well so I’m feeling extra great. I deleted my Facebook app and decided to cut out sweets and negativity altogether. I’ve heard that too many sugars can bulk up the baby unnecessarily, so this will be good for the both of us. Ironically enough, I haven’t been craving as many sweets so it’s all working out. Now my cravings are more along the lines of burritos and nachos haha Kashi cereal is still my go-to for breakfast. I wish I were more of an oatmeal person but it just grosses me out. So it’s been easy so far cutting sweets. 

 And as far as the negativity part goes, I’ve really been feeding into alot of what other people say/do and past events that happened when I was younger. I’m still working on forgiving my mother, who wants to be a part of Baby’s life and is in my face now. Though it makes sense not to be okay with that, I want to be more at peace with myself about her at least meeting my baby. God willing, I walk out of this period of prayer a happier, stronger and mentally healthier woman. I want to be the best momma for my little girl and this is the way to start.

It Was a Taco Kind of Night

I ended up having a yummy taco-esque creation last night. I sauteed a tofurkey Italian sausage, a yellow bell pepper and taco seasoning and put it in a warmed tortilla. I drizzled it with sriracha sauce for more flavor and an avocado on top. So yummy! Today I had a tortilla soup with avocado on it so I guess I’ve been feeling the taste of semi-ethnic food. For breakfast I had a banana, orange juice and a natural fruit leather thing. For lunch I had a cashew milk yogurt probiotic drink, which was pretty okay. I did do some exercises yesterday but I’m feeling like a little old lady as a result haha with time I’m sure it’ll get easier. 

What I’m eating today

This morning I had a bowl of Kashi cereal with almond milk, which was delish. I haven’t been able to find a vegan frosted wheat cereal but this was sweet enough on its own since it has fruit in the middle. I just had a snack of three tangerines and some raspberry tea so I think I’m good for another hour or so. My appetite has been so-so these past few days but I know my body well. I’m getting everything I need so far. I’ll probably have a big lunch/dinner later. Ciao!

The Last Stretch! 

So, it’s here! I’m in my third trimester and so far so good! My crazy junk food eating habits have waned and it’s easier now for me to eat healthier foods all around. The 2nd trimester was very enjoyable-no aches and pains, eating all the food I craved (sweets and breads) and little to no nausea. Now that the 3rd trimester has hit I’m way more tired and almost immediately I started having back pains. Ouch! Time to start back in with my yoga, or at the very least daily stretching. I’ve always been the type to need motivation for working out and this is no different so I’m looking up prenatal yoga classes in my area. Wish me luck! Surprisingly enough, my sex drive has been normal. Completely different from my 1st, when I couldn’t stand to be touched which is fantastic because I can’t imagine pushing out a 6-10 lb baby when nothing has been up there for months. No thank you! I plan on birthing naturally so my diet during the next few months absolutely needs to be clean. That means minimal processed foods, fresh fruits and veggies and smoothies every day if I can take the cold on cold action. If not, I’ll just keep drinking the pregnancy tea, which I LOVE! Today I had a kale salad, mashed potatoes and sweet yams. Later I’ll have some shepards pie. 😋 I’m attaching a picture of me last week in Illinois for the holidays. So far I’ve gained 20 lbs, which is perfect for someone of my beginning weight. I love that I’ve got a little booty now, but I hope my breasts go back haha I was fine with DDDs. 

Craving Avocados

I’ve been eating anything avocado-related. Guacamole (homemade with chunky tomato. Yum!), avocado toast, avocado and cream cheese sandwiches. My body must need the nutrients after stuffing all those jelly beans down my throat last so haha. By the way, Kitehill’s vegan cream cheese is to die for! I got the chives flavor. Here’s a pic of one of my sandwiches!

Finally made a Buddha bowl!

Yep, the title says it. Those yummy and nutritious fantasy bowls you see on Pinterest have finally been recreated by mua! Unfortunately it didn’t make it to the picture taking stage…I gobbled it up too quickly.  And I actually made up the ingredients so I don’t have a link to the recipe but I topped it off with brown rice(which I hate) and made it complete. First I made my normal kale salad with tons of nutritional yeast, salt and some Mrs. Dash seasonings. Next, I added some sweet potato, cauliflower, and carrot tuna. Mixed it all up and threw on some baked plantains and rice. Voila! A quick and easy meal for this lazy vegan. It was actually a big bowl, so I had half for dinner last night and the rest for lunch today. So I didnt have to cook today, hee hee. Let me know if you have tried a Buddha bowl, and what kind!